Friday night I stayed up late and carved my pumpkins. I have decided that pumpkin carving is a lot more fun when someone is there to help you.

Saturday afternoon my neighbors, Brittanie and Megan, came over to help me decorate for the trick or treaters. We made 25 Luminaries to line the driveway, draped the foyer in black plastic and hung several spiderwebs with creepy spiders on them and set out a myriad of orange decorations and over a dozen candles and black lights. Woooooo hooooo!!!

We set up a little graveyard right off the walk way and also made a dummy to greet our visitors!

The first to come trick or treat at my door were Gideon and Parker. They were accompanied by..

Some viking chick and an escaped convict.

The pictures of the decorations are a little blurry. Sorry about that. It was very dark and the photographer didn't realize how still you need to hold the camera on an ISO setting.

Look what I found in the pumpkin patch! It's a Parker pumpkin!

OH.... here is the jail bird!

Looks like trouble to me!

The graveyard.

The front porch complete with an invalid dummy on a scooter.

It did look cool at night. I think I had about 30 kids come to trick or treat. It was Great!
Today after church I went to Jesse and Kelly's for supper. Cali and the kids were there and I took a few minutes to teach Gid the kid how to fly!!

Jesse was busy snuggling Parker when all of a sudden Chi Chi jumped into Jesse's lap and used her tail end to scoot Parker out of the way. She didn't like the baby getting all of the good Jesse snuggles.

That is the end of our Halloween Weekend. I hope yours was as fun as ours!