The Date imprint on the pictures is wrong. The real date was June 15, 2010
It was not always peaceful when the little cubs and kids would gather at Grandma and Grandpa's house to play. Lily and Adam especially would have little spats. It was always over important things, like which way to swing the gate or who would shut the door or who got to play with that piece of dirty sting on the floor.
It was not always peaceful when the little cubs and kids would gather at Grandma and Grandpa's house to play. Lily and Adam especially would have little spats. It was always over important things, like which way to swing the gate or who would shut the door or who got to play with that piece of dirty sting on the floor.
We saw many animals, the first being the most disappointing to Aunt Jesse. It was a Rock Chuck. (A relative of the ground hog or prairie dog I think.) We also saw deer and buffalo....
Preston sat up front and kept his eyes peeled for anything interesting. Wait.... I thought he had been banned from the front seat for life? He has a tendency to open the door while the car is moving. Is bear world a good place for him to be in front?
Entering the Danger Zone...... the Bear part of this world. The first thing we saw was this huge Grizzly Bear!
The new cubs.
These ducks were so peaceful until ten seconds after this picture was taken. That's when Gid the Kid came running up to them to pet them and almost fell into the little creek. The ducks scattered!
Once the petting was done it was off to the rides. This was a very cool day. Temps in the upper 40's with a strong wind. But nothing was going to stops these human critters from having some fun.
The kids couldn't wait to ride the fabulous Circus Train. Oh... and I am sure it was the mom's favorite ride of the day.
By the end of our adventure, the Weather had warmed up, the kiddos were ready for a nap and everyone agreed it was a wonderful Day!