Friday, May 23, 2014

The Merry Month of May -

It's been a busy month. Darryl and I packed up at the first of the month to leave for our job in China, Eden and Brian moved in ourhouse to take care of it while we are away and then .....our trip was delayed. Having no place to go we moved into the new basement bedroom at Jesse and Kelly's and have spent a wonderful month with them, playing with Tyree and visiting Cali and the kids.

Grandpa Darryl and I have had the pleasure of babysitting Gideon, Parker and Tyree -

Pizza dates and fun at the playground -

On May 13th Cali graduated with Honors from Eastern Idaho Technical College with a degree in the Science of Legal Technologies. She is also a Paralegal! We are so proud of her.

Parker was so tired she fell asleep 10 minutes before it started and slept through the whole thing. 

Smart and lovely. That's our girl!

Gideon put on Mom's graduation cap to practice for his kindergarten graduation later this month. 

The rest of the month has been busy with Darryl at work during the day and planting the orchard out at the farm in the evenings. I have been busy too, but I did find time to get my hair cut. 

Cary cut a 10" ponytail off of the back of my hair and I donated it to "Locks of Love" in honor of my sister who lost her hair while battling cancer. Although her hair has grown back in it is very thin and fine, unlike the long, thick wavy, blonde locks she had as a young woman! I love you Patty Ann!

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