Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Great American Solar Eclipse

All weekend we kept waiting for the big traffic jams that were expected in Idaho from Rexburg to Idaho Falls as they estimated that over 500,000 would come to the area to view the Total Eclipse. 
On Aug. 21, 2017, skies darkened from Oregon to South Carolina in the first total solar eclipse visible from coast to coast across the United States in 99 years. 
Darryl thought the eclipse was "No big deal" but I had been excited about it for months.

From St. Anthony to Idaho Falls the Upper Snake River Valley was in the path of totality. Brent and Elaine Gunderson and Randy and Karen South had a 3 day Eclipse party going on up at the South Menan Butte with thousands of people and campers showing up for the event. We went out to see them Sunday evening and Elaine gave us T-shirts! 

We decided to avoid the crowds and stay at Cali's where the sun would be totally blocked out by the moon for 1 minute and 41 seconds. We set up our eclipse party in her front yard with chairs for everyone. Darryl's chaise lounge had some issues so he settled for a lawn chair.

Hillary and Jake brought their boys up and everyone used their special Solar Eclipse glasses to watch as the moon covered the sun. Even J.J. could see it.

We grilled hot dogs and Bratwurst sausages with all the chips and veggies and had a delightful little party.

Gideon's friends joined in on the fun.

I used my solar glasses over the camera lens to capture this photo. 

This selfie was taken when the moon was covering about 1/3 to 1/2 of the sun, but my camera didn't have a filter to catch the eclipse.

 Zman had no clue that he was in the midst of something spectacular. 

The eclipse began at 10:15 with the moon covering the Sun at about 1:00 spot if it were a clock. Cali finished her run about 10:30 and was enthralled by the eclipse.

Darryl started the cooking fire at 11:20 a.m., just 13 minutes before the totality.

About 11:20 when we weren't looking at the sun through our special glasses, we noticed that the world seemed a little duller, not as bright, almost like you were looking through sunglasses.

The temperature started dropping too. Cali had to get a jacket as it was feeling a little cool. We were so busy looking at the eclipse happening, just like J.J. and Gman, that we forgot to check out the crescent shapes that the sun makes through the leaves on the ground. Shiloh, Cami and Jesse all got great photos of this phenomenon where they were. 

Patiently waiting to the big event!

 The total eclipse of the sun was one of the most amazing events I have ever seen. This picture of totality doesn't do it justice, but you can see how dark it was. We took our solar glasses off in time to see the "Diamond Ring" as the sun totally disappeared. Then there was such a cheer that went up throughout the town! We all cheered and some of us got goosebumps as we witnessed God's incredible Celestial display!

And yes, it was quite dark. many of the dusk to dawn lights came on automatically.

The good thing about the internet is that you can look up the eclipse and see some amazing photos from all over the USA of how it really looked. I agree wholeheartedly with the man who said, "You owe it to yourself to see a total eclipse. It is a once in a lifetime experience you will never forget or regret!"

Monday evening around 6:00 Cali and I walked up to the interstate bridge to see how the traffic was. We found all the people! Hillary and Jake left Idaho Falls at 11:50 a.m. and it took them over an hour to get to Blackfoot. It took them almost 7 hours to make the 3 1/2 hour drive home.

I am sure glad we were able to see it from Cali's front lawn. I do hope to see another total eclipse when it returns to the USA in 2024. I will probably be like these people, but it will be worth it!

I found this photo on the internet and it is exactly what the eclipse looked like for us! 

See you in Chile in in 2019 or Texas in 2024!

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