Monday, April 30, 2018

Easter and April Fun!

Wow!!!! Today is April 30th. Where did this month go? 
Easter Sunday -April 1st

I made an Easter Basket for Darryl and the missionaries, and one for our friends, Robyn and Eric King.

New Church socks and lots of candy! What else do you need in your basket.

Okay... it doesn't hurt to have a couple of toys around just in case.

You guessed it! The Easter Bunny even hides eggs for old people! 

A special clock egg just for Darryl. 

When Eric and Robyn came over Sunday afternoon I made them hunt for Easter Eggs too.

I told them we couldn't finish our dinner until they found the eggs. They laughed and had a good time. Neither one had hunted Easter Eggs since they were very small children. We had more fun watching them.

When the found all the eggs we fixed Golden Rod, sausage and a nice salad for a light dinner.

A couple of Days after Easter I went to the Temple. The flowers on the grounds were beautiful..

and the fragrance that filled the air was just delightful.

All of the trees were in bloom and it was such a beautiful sight to see. 

I love to see the temple anytime, but the blooms in spring make it more special to me.

(More to come tomorrow)

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