Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Celebrating the New Year in Arizona!

December 28, 2019
Darryl and I left at 5:30 in the morning for Mesa, AZ to spend some time with Cali.

It was 19 degrees when we left Herriman, the roads were mostly clear with only a few harrowing, icy stretches through winding mountain passes (Yes, I was a little worried a time or two).

We stopped at Cameron Arizona and ate a delicious Navajo Taco at the trading post restaurant. We had a great view too!

The views were lovely even if it was cold.

It sure was good to be with my darling oldest daughter, Cali. We also got to see her boyfriend Alan and meet some of their friends.

On New Years Eve Darryl and I drove up to Payson to visit his cousin Jane and her husband Mark and daughter Miceala!

The drive up to Payson was spectacular! Low desert with saguaro cactus to tall Ponderosa Pine forests.

It was a wonderful visit and I loved hearing Jane and Darryl share stories about their childhood in Arizona and their grandparents. 

Jane also made the fabulous mouse treats with Oreos, Hershey Kisses, Cherries and Slivered almonds.

Mini family reunion - Darryl and Jane Carr Medlock

Darryl and Mark in the back, Jane and Miceala and me. What a blessed day we had touring Payson with Mark and Jane and getting treasures from Aunt Carol and Uncle Frank's house.

Of course Darryl had to stop at antique mall on the way home. I only took this photo because of the random shoes on the awnings.

For our New Year's Eve celebration we made a few hors d'oeuvres, 

shared some sparkling grape juice and cider...  

Played a board game and watched Doris Day movies as we waited to ring in the New Year! 
For each and every one of you I wish you a 
🎉Happy and Prosperous 2020 🎉
filled with good health and lots of blessings and love!

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