Monday, August 17, 2020

Easter Weekend, a Special Anniversary and Travel Time for Grandma Cindy

Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

With this Coronavirus Pandemic the Governments - Federal, State and Local, have made mandates and restrictions, that have limited our liberties. I understand they don't know much about this virus and it is very scary and seems to be quite dangerous to the Elderly and those with underlying health issues, and they have ordered almost all businesses closed unless they are deemed 'essential' by a governor or city council, and tell everyone, sick, healthy, young or old to stay home and self quarantine for 14 days. It soon turned into a month and for some states, months and months. 

The different state's lists of "essential businesses' didn't make any sense. Liquor stores and Marijuana shops were essentials but all churches were closed and threatened with fines if they held services. Beauty shops, Barber shops and gyms were forced to close but tattoo parlors could remain open. The big box stores like Walmart, Target and Home Depot could open along with grocery stores, but small 'Mom and Pop' stores were forced to close. Parks, playgrounds and beaches were closed along with pools, when what children needed most was sunshine and play. It made no sense and seemed that the political powers that be were trying to make the population miserable and afraid for our lives.

Political Pundits were screaming for President Trump to force nation wide closings and mandates the people, like no church, no school, no elective surgeries or wearing masks. The President was smart enough not to do this. That would have made him a dictator. He rightly explained that we are a Federal Republic and that each Governor was responsible for making decisions for their own states. What works in New York won't be needed in a state like Wyoming or South Dakota. 


Darryl and I were issued documents from Enviva and Dome Technology as "Essential Workers" that would allow us to travel on the roads in case we were stopped by authorities. Fortunately, no one in Pascagoula seemed to worry about people driving around and going to the store, etc. 

I, for one, didn't have any qualms about traveling or going out in public, so when the time came for Gideon and Parker to go home I had no problem going with the and extending my travel plans to go to Utah to see Hillary, Cody and their families.


I spent Easter Sunday with the newlyweds and the kids.

On Monday April 13, 2020
I caught another nearly empty flight up to Salt Lake City to meet my newest grandson, 
Samuel Matthias Cunningham who was born on Feb. 29th.
Which means I also spent time with Sam's siblings and cousins,
Rachel and Ross, Gabriel, Jethro and Ezra.

April 13th is a very special anniversary for our family. It was the 4th Anniversary of J.J's (Jethro's) drowning accident and the day when so many first responders and medical personal were the instruments God used to save his life. Every April 13th for the last 3 years J.J. takes goodies to the Riverton Fire Station, the Police Station and to Children's Primary Hospital to thank the people who saved his life and give them hugs. Due to the pandemic he wasn't able to do that this year, but we made a sign and took his photo and sent it to them. We received some very nice notes from them.

And I did get to play with this sweet little boy!!! He is a real "Rolly Poly", Daddy's little Fatty!

But so sweet and snugly. 

As I write and post this blog (today is August 17th) he is 4 months older, 4 months bigger and sitting up on his own. 

And I have to tell you about Sweet Rachel's hair. She has discovered 'sock curls' and grandma was thrilled when she asked me if I could curl her hair. This was the result the next morning.

Lot's of curl that lasted most of the day!

By the time I flew back to Mississippi on the 16th a few people had started to travel again. The planes were about 1/2 full and I noticed there were more people on the roadways. They still hadn't opened the nation up and I see many, many people suffering financially as their businesses sit empty and closed, and emotionally as they struggle with being lonely and not able to visit family and friends. There are horrible stories of people who go into the hospital very ill and dying alone because they won't let family in to see them. They are even stopping people from having funerals. This is too much Government over-reach and it is having a devastating effect on our society. 

 In May they started implementing mask mandates and more "lock downs" and people have started to protest and argue against many of these regulations. I do believe what some of the governors have been doing is unconstitutional. We shall see.... 

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