Friday, July 16, 2021

Mississippi Springtime

 I am sure as we get closer to summer I will be complaining about the heat and the humidity, but as far as springtime in Mississippi, it is lovely!

First of all-

Darryl received a new calling at church. He was called as Branch President of the Lucedale Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

A couple of weeks later I was called to be the Primary President. It is a very small branch and we average between 15 - 25 people a week, but we love it! 

With the coming of spring the Great Blue Heron came back to the pond and our huge resident Snapping Turtle comes out to get the bread we feed the fish and smaller Red Eared Slider Turtles.

I had a painting in mind I wanted to put onto canvas, but I struggled to get it right. This will probably be painted over.

And on April 30th we inflated our second dome in the Port of Pascagoula. 

We had a fun challenged for our "Cultural Tuesday" Marco Polo group to search out sculptures in our areas and tell about them. I found that there are several sculptures made of Anchors and propellers here Pascagoula!

Darryl shared the beautiful street sculpture in Gautier. This is one of our favorites.

We met a woman back in February who Darryl bought a clock from and then fixed her beautiful Grandfather Clock. Becky 'The clock lady' is a wonderful new friend and Master Gardener. When we went back in April to return a clock he repaired I spent my time in her wonderful Garden. Oh how lovely it would be to have a retreat like this one to relax in.

Darryl and Becky in her living room. 
(I took several photos of her house as I like some of her decorating elements.)

My little Balcony Garden is producing strawberries and I have tomatoes and peppers growing too!

On of Dome Technology's vendors hosted a Crawfish Boil for their 'preferred' clients, so Darryl and I had a delicious, free meal.

The weather was so pleasant that it was not unusual for us to eat dinner out on the balcony.

For my Mother's Day gift Darryl took me to Bellingrath Gardens on Saturday May 8th. What a beautiful stroll we had around the property and greenhouses.

I went into the museum to see the porcelain sculptures of  Edward Boehm. 
Oh to have that king of talent!

This brown pelican sculpture was incredible to gaze upon. 

The weather is warming up and we are moving into summer. Soon I will pick up Gideon and Parker to stay for a few weeks and we will see what kind of fun we can have!

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