Sunday, January 23, 2022

December 2021 - Parades, Partiesnd More!

 December 4, 2021

We remembered Darryl's Mom by celebrating her birthday watching the Gautier Christmas Parade. I'm sure Peggy was smiling from heaven. 

And of course there were plenty of beads and candy, floats and music to go around.

Jr. ROTC is really big at Gautier High School!

It wasn't a big parade, but it was fun to be out in the sun and visit with strangers and have a grand time! You never knew what you were going to see...

I do believe this semi was my favorite!

That evening we sat on our balcony and watched the fireworks. As you can tell by looking at Darryl, it was a very, very nice evening.

Also, on that same Saturday, Darryl and I went to an estate sale where he bought this shelf and bookstand. It worked out perfectly for all my nativities. 

This year for Christmas I did something I hadn't done in years.. I purchased a live wreath and decorated it with some dollar store decor.  Every time I leave the house or come home I get that wonderful evergreen smell. Ahhhh......

Friday December 10, 2021
My art teacher, Marguerite Pavarnik, her husband David and Darryl. 
Marguerite and David hosted a party for some of Marguerite's art friends, students and dancing group.

There were about 35 of us there and we had a delightful time. A delicious pot-luck dinner, "Dirty Santa" gift exchange and lot's of fun and laughter and Darryl and I met some wonderful people.

As we were visiting I realized this is the first 'non'-church or 'non'-family Christmas Party we had been to in more that 20 years. 

In the gift exchange Darryl got two beautiful hand carved boxes and I got a lighted cardinal wind chime.

Thanks Marguerite for being such a wonderful hostess and friend!

Saturday December 11, 2021
This was the invitation to our church Christmas party and breakfast.

Since many of our members aren't comfortable driving at night we decided to have a morning Christmas party and "Christmas Olympics".

Thank goodness for the Sister Missionaries, Sister Nicholls and Sister Alley. We picked them up at 6:45 in the morning and they were such a big help in getting the church set up and decorated for the party.
President Cunningham rockin' his Christmas sweater and Elf Hat!

I think we had 22 or 24 present. After our pancake breakfast we cleared the room and set up for our Christmas Olympic Relay race.

We had so much fun as all of the children and adults participated, even the Whitted's great-grandmother.

Our teams had to stuff a stocking and put it under the tree....

decorate a tree ornament and hang it on the tree...

decorate a Christmas Cookie and eat it,

Sing a Christmas carol, wrap a Christmas gift...

And read a scripture as they placed their nativity piece in it's place in the nativity scene.

What a fun time everyone had!

Sunday December 12, 2021
Tonight was the stake Christmas Music Program. With the help from the sister missionaries and Brother England and his daughter, with had a nice octet to sing our two songs. "The Nativity Carol" and "Guard Him Joseph". 
There were seven or eight wards that participated, and I received many compliments on the wonderful job our little chorus did. President Perkes, the stake president, told me we did a wonderful job and that our little chorus "was the star of the show". That made my night! 

The stake does a Nativity display each year where each ward and branch puts up a nativity display. This is what our Nativity table looked like.

December 17, 2021
Time for Cindy to get a new hair do. The jury is still out, but I think I am going to like it.

And finally, all you ever hear in the news is how bad and contagious the Omicron strain of the Covid virus is. So everyone must be vaccinated. Except the vaccinated people are getting this new variant and spreading as fast or faster the the unvaccinated. And in reality, the Omicron strain is just a cold. It acts like a cold and feels like a cold. But they are still screaming "Vaccinate, Vaccinate", and demonizing anyone who isn't vaccinated. It is ridiculous. 
This pretty much is right in line with my way of thinking.

But this is the times we are living in! Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!

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