Tuesday, January 4, 2022

HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY TO SANDY -(a year later)

Thursday  November 11, 2021

My siblings and I have a tradition of getting together to celebrate our milestone birthdays. We started with John's 60th and have continued on. November 14, 2020 was Sandy's 60th birthday, but our grand plans for a whitewater rafting trip were sidelined by the pandemic shutdowns. Fast forward 362 days... we got together in Eureka Springs, Arkansas to finally celebrate her big 6-0. 


Okay, I'll admit that the only reason this photo is in here is because I was having a good hair day. πŸ˜‰ I left Mississippi on the 10th and drove to Little Rock, Arkansas where I spent the night and then drove the rest of the way to Eureka Springs.


I will say it was an absolutely beautiful drive.

I had made arrangements on VRBO to rent a Cabin for the 4 nights we were there, and I must say, if you didn't miss the turn and end up in the murder alley junk yard, it was a absolute gorgeous place to stay!

The Cabin was huge with two full kitchens and enough beds and bathes to sleep 14 or 16. It's called Moon View Cabin and they weren't exaggerating. The sunsets were glorious over the Ozarks.
Michelle is checking out the view.

Hey Chuck! What's up?

The morning Sandy was supposed to leave their dog had an accident and had to have several stitches, so David was unable to come and celebrate with us. We were troopers though and carried on the best we could.

We arrived on Thursday afternoon and had a delicious dinner at the Cabin and played some games and visited. On Friday morning we went to visit Thorncrown Chapel. Click on the name for a link. This is one of the most inspiring and sacred places around and you will definitely want to visit this glass chapel in the woods.

The story behind the building of the chapel is just as uplifting as being in the chapel. It is a little miracle that it is here.

We drove the roller coaster streets into Eureka Springs for lunch and then had fun playing around at the Old Town Photography shop. 

Having fun at Judge Roy Bean's Saloon!

It was so much fun and we are all glad you can't see what the back of these dresses look like. Oh... that's right, these dresses have no backs! It was really hilarious! 

Patty keeping Chuck in line, ...
and, it looks like John the Outlaw is in big trouble. 
I don't think he made it out alive!

I feel our acting is all over the place here, but Chuck is happy!

And of course, we have a bevy of Saloon girls!

If John was the outlaw then Chuck must be the sheriff. 

These next two photos are the best of the lot - IMHO (In My Humble Opinion).

I don't think I want to mess with either of those bad hombres!


And now the 'shady' ladies. (Just kidding dear sisters).

Saucy Sandra.. the Birthday girl!

Also known as Dr. Fun....

Oh yeah... She's ready for a good time πŸ˜€!

Censored Cindy.... 
It's not her language but the top of her frock that got her censored from associating with all the decent people in the town.

Pretty Patricia..

Don't let that sweet smile fool you, her nickname is Patty Guns. Her motto.... have gun, will shoot!

Marvelous Michelle... a.k.a., ...

Sexy Shelly... she's always ready to have some rollicking fun...
As soon as she figures out how to get off of the bar in those high heels! Haha!
(Shelly: "Sandy, don't leave... you have to help me get down from here!")

On Friday evening, 363 days after her 60th birthday, we had 60th birthday party for Sandy. Complete with frolicking penguins on her cake.

It was another gorgeous sunset.

Happy Birthday Baby Sister! We are so lucky you are ours!

Saturday November 13, 2021

We went to visit the Christ of the Ozarks statue at the site of The Great Passion Play. It was a beautiful day to visit the site and spend time looking around a talking of special, sacred things. 

The four Eppert Sisters.

And now John and Chuck have joined us. We had a lovely time. 

This is an actual section of the Berlin Wall. What an amazing story of how it ended up in Eureka Springs at the site of the Passion Play.

You can read about it here.

Saturday afternoon I talked my sisters into trying their hand at watercolor painting. It was quite fun to share this little hobby of mine with them.

Nice going Michelle..

Great job ladies!

If you saw my earlier posts, you know I was struggling with painting a penguin for Sandy. I finally painted a King Penguin I felt was good enough to give to Sandy for a Birthday gift. I love you baby sis!

Sunday November 14, 2021
Happy 61st Birthday Sandy!
A couple of last photos before we leave for home!

It was so wonderful to spend this little bit of time together! Can't wait to do it again in 2023! 

Best Siblings Ever!!!

Until we see each other again... I love you all!

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