Sunday, September 13, 2020

Magical May in Mississippi

Oh what fun Grandma and Grandpa had with the three sweet girls!


Wednesday May 6, 2020 


Tuesday night Shiloh and Jason drove over with their 5 youngest, Adam, Maggie, Micah, Benny and little Wesley. Wednesday morning we packed all the kids up and went to the beach while Jason went to work in Alabama and Skye hit the books.

Grandma bought everyone their own bubbles. Avery was still figuring it out I think.

We had so much fun in the water and on the beach!

Wesley sat under the umbrella and loved playing in the sand.

Wesley and Avery love each other and Grandma Cindy loves holding them!

Everybody loves Wesley. We love you too Benny! Smile kiddo!

Reagan gets some alone time with Wesley...

Skye and Annabelle getting a little Wesley lovin' too!

The earth boxes Darryl made back in April and the tomatoes and peppers are growing like crazy. 

Friday night is pizza and movie night with these girls! Grandma let them make their own pizza.

♪♫ Somebody has new sandals ♫♪
You look so cute Miss Avery!

Avery was usually the first girl up in the morning and she loved to do Yoga with Grandma.

Every day the girls would feed the fish and the turtles. One day they caught some tadpoles, so we bought a little aquarium so we could watch them grow.

For the weeks they were here we had picnics on the balcony, school time at the kitchen table, the girls would take mom snacks while she was studying,...

..and when mom finished her finals we took her and Grandpa Darryl to the beach to celebrate!!

Due to Covid-19 and the stores being closed for 2+ months, when they finally did open up they had some great sales. I bought this 8 piece comforter set at Belk's for only $50.00. Original price was $299. What a Deal!

The week before going home the girls made some new friends. Addy and Ryanne moved in our complex and the girls became very good friends.

Skye had all of her finals completed and only had her Sr. paper to turn in by July, so on Tuesday the 19th she packed up, took some well deserved rest and left for home at 4:00 o'clock Wednesday morning.

And look who showed up Wednesday afternoon for some Beach Time with Grandma! All my Big girls! (or all my granddaughters over 11 years old) Emily, Adrianna, Lydia and Lily.

The beach was great, and pretty much deserted so we had quite the time playing and swimming.

And the tomatoes keep growing!

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