Sunday, September 13, 2020

Playing with the Girls -

Monday June 1, 2020

Skye ran into some issues with trying to finish her Senior paper on her assigned Religion and Politics class. Between the girls being home, taking care of the house, meals and all the normal Mom things, she asked if I could help her. I told her to bring the  I would take them home with me for a week. I met her and Ryan at their designated 1/2 way point between her house and Shiloh's. I picked up the girls, we spent the night with Cami and Jacob and early the next morning left for Mississippi.


While the girls were here we harvested the peppers from our Earth Boxes...

I took them to the Alligator Ranch to see if they could spot any gators. Watch out for those teeth.


What do you think of those lizards girls?

It was hot, but we had such a good time.

And the tomatoes and peppers kept growing.

Since we live across the street from the Gautier Police Department and, since the police are under attack nationwide, the girls and I made thank you cards and a banner and took it to the police station.

And we loved our pool time!

On Friday I packed the girls up and headed to North Augusta, South Carolina where we met up with Skye and attended their cousin Jade's baptism in the Savannah River.

Jade wanted everyone to wear a shade of orange (not in Skye's color palette), So Donna loaned her this cute 60's shift. I did her hair in a 60's 'Do' and she looked fabulous.

The baptism was held out side due to the Coronavirus restrictions limiting indoor gatherings and the church buildings being closed. It was a beautiful Saturday for the baptism.

I wonder if Skye and Doug see a river monster?

Look how cute she is!

Miss Avery was getting fussy so I put her in the stroller and walked in the shade.
Several people who walked by asked me about the gathering and when I explained they were all so thrilled to see that it was religious and a baptism. 

They all expressed their thanks to God and several of them said to tell her congratulations on her baptism. Total strangers but we were brought together in faith because they could see this sweet girl doing the right thing.
It was a great missionary moment for me. I left on Monday to drive home.

And the tomatoes were taking over the balcony. I would be leaving in 2 days to go to Indiana and be with Darryl. I gave the Earth Boxes with the plants to a friend at the complex and told her I would see her in September. I have reports that they enjoyed the tomatoes and peppers all summer long.

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