Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Bittersweet - Baptisms and Goodbyes

 Sunday March 6, 2022

As I sat at the dining room table with my foot in a "cast boot" due to a broken metatarsal in my left foot, looking around at the organized chaos of our packing to move, and thinking about all the dear friends I will miss, I wrote this little poem. If any of my friends read this, I am missing you!

Today was our last Sunday in the Lucedale Branch of our church. Darryl was released as Branch President, which is sad, but "Happy Day", our little friend, "RAnnie", was baptized today! She is in the middle with her sweet little sister "ELala" beside me! Oh how I love these sweet girls!

Because RAnnie was 9 yrs. old, the missionaries, Elder Allen and Elder Gay, were able to help out with her baptism.

Sister Martha Sego with the girls and their parents. 

RAnnie with her mom and dad, Rita and Kenneth.

And with her Pawpaw!

Our Stake President, David Perkes, was there too!

We had a wonderful baptism with refreshments afterwards. 
This morning when I went into the Primary room to set it up for our class, I found this sweet message from E.Lala on the chalkboard. It says, "I Love and Miss you".

Oh sweet Miss E. and all my primary children - I love you with all my heart and will miss you more than you know. I want you to know I will keep you in my prayers and pray for God to bless you and keep you safe.
With Love,
Sister Cunningham

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