Tuesday, July 23, 2024

NWA Firefighter Recruit Academy Graduation

 Friday June 7, 2024

The North West Arkansas Fire Chiefs'

Firefighter Recruit Academy

Spring 2024 Graduation

The academy class bought pick-axes for their training captains, and Cody did a custom engraving and woodburning on them.

He even put tornadoes on them because of what they had just recently been through.

It was a nice and inspiring ceremony, and here is the spring graduating class. These firefighters represent 8 different Fire Departments in the region.

Cody has been recruited and hired by the Rogers, Arkansas Fire Department. Here he is with a few of his fellow trainees.

With his training captains, Captain Fox and Captain Box.

These kids are so proud of their Daddy!

The firefighter and his family.

We are all so proud of you Cody!
Back home on Olive Street....
This is their beautiful long haired Siberian Husky, Oculus.

I think Sandy and Oculus had a very special bond.

Saturday June 8, 2024
Before Sandy left for home we visited the Daisy air rifle and BB Gun Museum. It was quite and interesting place and had me completely engrossed in it's history.

The children found the video of The Christmas Story playing and watched it and enjoyed looking at the "Fragilee Leg Lamp" Haha!

Liam is ready for some sunshine! What a happy boy. 

In the afternoon Cody went back to work trimming and removing fallen trees.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying the family as much as possible.

After the last few days, these two were just plumb worn out!

But not too tired to take us fishing late Saturday afternoon. 

Somebody was making happy faces at Grandma during church.

She wasn't the only one! Oh Liam, just look at your hair!! Haha!

Let's see if we can tame it down a bit.

This next style is called "The Trump" for obvious reasons.

It was just too much fun not to comb out his curls and see what would happen next.

While I was there I also went to look at a house and some property for sale.

Finally, the day before I left we had to have a little bit of painting fun with the grandchildren.

He loves his little sister...

and he and Sammy are such good big brothers.

June 12, 2024
Time for Grandma Cindy to go home. I hugged Alisa and all the kids good-bye.

... and then stopped by the training center to say goodbye to my dear son.

He is going to make and great firefighter and EMT. With his cousins Matt Templeton, Clint and Cole Wiley, Cody makes the 4th full time firefighter in our family.

I am sure his Grandpa Doc is smiling down from heaven when he sees these good men and their service!
Flowers from the Park here in Crespo. 

I have been so blessed to have such a healthy and strong boyd. I had a little trouble with my ankle, the one they had to remove bone slivers from in 2017, but I have been fine since then. Now I am having issues with this ankle again.
I guess I will need to have it looked at when I get back home to the USA.
In the meantime, when it's too sore to go on my walks, I take advantage of the pool here. 

And the hammock. Ahhh, this is the life!

On the 15th we had a Family History youth activity at our apartment with 22 youth 4 leaders the sister missionaries and my neighbor Myriam serving as a translator.

I think it was a grand success!

 On Saturdays and Sundays Darryl actually finds time to relax a little. This photo makes me smile.

My sweet husband finally relaxing, reading a bestseller written by his good friend Marc 'Cameron'.