Friday, July 12, 2024

The Florida Aquarium and North Carolina Fun!

 Thursday May 9, 2024

Tampa Florida

We disembarked around 9:00 and while Hillary and Cali's families had to leave, we stayed and toured the Florida Aquarium with Skye and Jesse and their gang.

Avery and Mary Alice check out the fish and ducks. . .

Reagan watches Avery look for more dangerous critters...

Looks like they found one!

Ryan, Tyree, Maggie, Annabelle and Skye...

It's a little creepy isn't it Annabelle?

Clancy gives us all science lessons on what we're looking at, I swear, this boy is brilliant!

Adam having a pretty good time too!

Ryan is getting just the right angle to get the bird.

The Scarlet Ibis... some with more scarlet than others..

We also found a beautiful Chameleon. 

Too soon Darryl was telling Maggie, Adam and I that it was time to start back for North Carolina!

While in North Carolina for the weekend we went to the U.S. National Whitewater Center where Preston works and watched some fun rafting wrecks. 

And on Sunday, which was Mother's Day, we had a fabulous family picnic . . .

Eating delicious food, playing games and having a wonderful time.

Darryl and I left on Monday for our lovely Colombian Home with so many wonderful warm memories of our family cruise vacation!

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