Friday, July 12, 2024

Family Cruise - Day 5 at Sea

 Wednesday May 8, 2024

At Sea

After breakfast this morning we all met in one of the conference rooms to celebrate Darryl's upcoming 70th birthday. 

Cali organized it and to start the day off, we went around the room and everyone told us what their favorite part of the cruise was so far.

And then each family gave Grandpa Darryl an award for his Pre-Birthday gift. 
World's Best....
Second Hand Gift Giver from Clancy,

Dessert Expert from Tyree (especially ice cream),

Collector of Treasures from Kelly

And World's Best Human Tape Measure from Jesse.

The "Have fun storming the Castle" award from Parker,

and from Adam and Maggie...

He also received a 
Certificate of Being the Hardest Working Grandpa from Gideon

. . . finally, a sign for his future workshop.

After our birthday meeting we hurried to the atrium for the Epic Egg Drop Challenge. We had two teams, the boys, Gabriel, Jethro, Ezra, Clancy and Annabelle, with Grandpa as their coach, were Team Vipers, and Hillary, Jake, Jesse and Gideon were Team Okey Dokey Yolky Folky.

They didn't win but they had so much fun!
Afterward I stayed to watch the Salute to the Veterans and it was very moving to see all those wonderful defenders of our freedom gathered there to be honored.

God Bless the U.S.A.!

One of the highlights of he entire cruise was watching the family have fun on the climbing wall. Even though he was only 16, Adam was one of the first people on the boat to climb the most difficult level of the wall without grabbing onto the easy levels handles. He was asked to compete in the Adult Speed Climbing competition and won 3rd place!!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, swimming, and soaking up the sun.

Even with a very sore and swollen ankle, Parker was having a good time.

The first days on the cruise we could barely get Parker to smile, but as these photos attest, she was having a good time!

We had a good time, visited some beautiful places and Cali and family went home with many, many magnets as mementos of their time.

This cruise was just what we needed, and next time I hope the rest of the family can be there with us!

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