Thursday, July 18, 2024

More Fun in the Month of May

 The rest of the month of may just flew by!

May 27, 2024

Having another painting session with the sister missionaries,

Some lovely flower watercolors...

I just love these sweet missionaries!

Oh... did I forget to tell you? About 30 minutes after the sisters came over, the Elders arrived to paint too! It was a delight to have all these spiritual warriors in our home!

They order pizza's (each Elder having his own personal pizza)

..and painting their own little bouquet's of flowers.

What a great day!

Another highlight for me was the International Day celebration for the Youth at church where we learned of different cultures and tasted foods from France, Argentina, Peru, USA, Colombia, Italy and Mexico. 

FYI - I brought the Mexican food! 😋

As we closed out the month I went about my daily chores and nursed a very sore ankle.

Sometimes it hurt so bad I would have to get a ride for the 3/4 mile trip home instead of walking, which wasn't so bad when you can ride in this kind of style!

We also had a youth temple trip to the Barranquilla Temple.

We had a great youth turnout!

And we had our lovely Friday night dates, including trying out 2 new restaurants here in Crespo! 

Yes, you are seeing that right. One of the features of the crepes from Roses D'Amour Restaurant are pink colored crepes, and they were delicious! 

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