Monday, May 20, 2024

Dolphins, Beach Day and Our Valentines Dinner

 Tuesday May 13, 2024

Beach and Dolphin Day!!

We caught a boat to the Oceanarium where Shelly, Kevin and Sandy got to swim and play with the dolphins!   -   ENJOY!!

With Shelly's phone I took some great video of Sandy getting goosed by one of the dolphins! It was hilarious!

This dolphin really loved Michelle and seemed to enjoy being petted by her. I think when Sandy got in the way that's when the dolphin goosed her. Haha!

After finishing with the dolphins we took another short boat ride to Playa Blanca for a delicious fried fish lunch and enjoyed playing in the water and basking in the sun!

The water was so beautifully turquoise blue, clear and very, very warm.

This is Johnny, our tour guide, the man who made sure we had a great time.

Arriving back at the port of Cartagena we could see Darryl's dome in the distance.

February 14, 2024
Happy Valentines Day!
We started out the day at the Amasa Cafe having breakfast with my friend Myriam. She then took us up to her apartment where we saw this great view of our apartment pool!

After breakfast we spent the rest of Valentines day recovering (yes, at the pool) from our beach day the day before. In the evening we went into the Walled City for a wonderful Valentines Dinner.

Afterwards we walked around the old town and found this cultural dance presentation in one of the Plazas.

It is so fun to have family here and to show them this wonderful part of the world!

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