Friday, May 24, 2024

Surviving the Idaho Snow

 Saturday February 24, 2024

Darryl and I went into Boca Grande where we picked up my birthday present from Jennie Manning Jewelry. It's a beautiful sterling silver and light green emerald ring. I just love it!

On Sunday I was called to serve as second counselor in the Young Women's Presidency. What a joy and a blessing!

Monday February 26, 2024

I left warm and sunny Cartagena for beautiful and very chilly Idaho, arriving on Tuesday the 27th.

When I arrived Jesse and Kelly were at a convention in Las Vegas, so Joliene Crystal, Kelly's mom, picked me up and after lunch took me to Walmart to buy some long pants and warm tops and socks since I don't have any cold weather clothes in Cartagena. She took me home to Jesse & Kelly's and I spent the weekend with Tyree and Clancy.
The reason for my trip was to go to the Dr. and to have surgery. After a pre-op appointment my surgery was set for March 12th. Until then, it was time to have some fun.

Jesse called me from Las Vegas to tell me my heavy winter coat was hanging in the front closet. I haven't seen this coat in 6 years, and Jesse has moved at least 3 times since then. What a blessing for me that she kept my coat out and didn't pack it away!
Thursday evening we went to a fundraiser and black light party at Clancy's school. Clancy won and lego gift bag and we had a great time!

Somehow, I don't know how, the kids and I went to Tractor Supply Farm Store and Jesse ended up with 6 new chicks to add to her flock. What a surprise for her when she gets home.

The kids don't have school on Friday, which was a good thing because we woke up to snow and it came down hard all day!

And all night.. Saturday before Jesse and Kelly got home we measured the snow at 7 inches.

Hello Jeff, How are you doing today?

And it was still snowing on Sunday March 3rd, so they cancelled church and we had our own Sunday School lesson with puzzle building blocks.

The snow doesn't seem to bother the ducks too much.

It is sooooooo Cold!! You just have to grin and bear it.

While waiting for my surgery date I was able to go to Tyree's choir concert. They did a great job!

On Sunday March 10th, I drove up to Menan and went to church in the 3rd Ward where we were members for many years. It was good to see some of our dear friends.

Cali, you're still up on the missionary board! Gotta love it!

And it was so good to see the "Barnes Sisters", Emily, Melissa and Amy. What a joyful little reunion it was.

And I spent the afternoon visiting with my bestie Angie Gunderson. Oh how good it was to spend time together again!

And finally, last night was MoProm in North Carolina. Lily went and her parents were chaperones.

You look beautiful my dear granddaughter. ๐Ÿ’•

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