Wednesday, May 1, 2024

HELLO 2024! Happy New Year - January

 January 1, 2024

While Darryl was in the air on his way to Istanbul and Botswana, I was tracking his flight from Costa Rica. I stayed with Hillary, Jake and the boys for another week.

I had time to do some painting...

And my very first freehand sketch of a dog. Hello Puggers!

I also spent time on my genealogy and found a photo of my great-great-grandfather, John Loughmiller. He was quite a handsome man who died in a terrible train accident at the Perth, Indiana railroad crossing in 1909. A multiple track crossing where he waited for one train to pass but didn't see or hear another train coming from the other direction when he drove his team of horses across. My Grandmother was only a couple of months old when she lost her grandfather.

I love to sit in their porch hammock and watch the Congos, or Howler Monkeys in the trees. When you visit family in the jungle you hear sounds and sentences you never thought you'd hear in your life. Like the big howls or low grunts of the monkeys, or, as you walk up the driveway hearing your daughter call to you "Careful Mom, don't step in the Monkey poop!"

While in Liberia we ran into the missionaries and had a delightful visit over lunch.

Their is a rather large troop of Monkeys that call this property their home.

If you enlarge this photo, how many monkeys will you see? (Hint, it's more than 4)

If you guessed 7, you are correct! You can see them pointed out below.

Sunday January 7, 2024
We attended a lovely baptismal service for a new sister in their branch.

When Monday came the boys were back on their regular schedule with School at their desks and P.E. with Mom.

I had a very early morning flight on Tuesday, so Hillary took me to San Jose' Monday night to a delicious Argentine restaurant the we crashed for a few hours at the hotel.

She left at 5:30 a.m. for home and I headed to the airport. Flying into Cartagena, I was able to see Darryl's Dome Project at Cementos Argos in the port.

You can also see our apartment as you exit the plane on the tarmac.

Darryl arrived home from Africa later that afternoon and we celebrated being back together by going out to dinner.

It's good to be  home!
On Saturdays we like to go to the tourist parts of town and see what we can find.
January 20th found us back in the Central Park and Getsemani for the day. We have family coming in a couple of weeks and I want to be sure where I'm going when we bring them here.

The Umbrella lane, one of the lovely Getsemani streets.

Along with "Pennant Road"..

They also have a International Flag Street, Fairy Light street and more.
Darryl had to take a call and I am just having fun!

Ahhhh! A refreshing Limonada Cerrazada (Cherry Lemonade).

Outside the ice Cream shop.

The dry season is in full swing and that means lots and lots of wind. I now know why most women wear their hair tied back. Haha!

My trip to Starbucks made my day. Bella Dama = Pretty Lady. 
It's probably something they regularly do, but it made me feel special.

Practicing my watercolor flowers.

Hillary and Jake had a minor emergency at the end of January, so I made a quick trip to Costa Rica to help the boys with school and take care of things. On my way I stayed overnight at this interesting little boutique hotel in San Jose.

They serve a very nice breakfast and I understand in the evening the pizza is delicious. 

There is also a wall with a Welcome sign and thousands of signatures and comments. 

Of course I signed it!

One final thought as we finish up the month of January. Cody has been selected and hired by the Rogers, Arkansas Fire Department. He has worked as an EMT off the Ambulance until he goes to the Firefighters Academy for 8 weeks in April. 

There are many modern women who say we don't need men anymore, that women can do any job a man can do and do it better. I completely disagree with that. I don't know any job requiring physical strenght, stamina and danger where they haven't lowered the physical standards so women could just qualify to do the job. When it comes to the careers listed above, I can't express how grateful I am for the men who want to do that work. - This seems inadequate, but Thank you anyway!

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