Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Our Fabulous Family Home Evenings on Zoom

 Once a month our entire family is invited to participate in a Zoom Call Family Home Evening. Each month a lesson, game, activity or something is organized and given by a different family. There are some Sundays where some family members can't be there, but most of the time we do get together, and I can't tell you how much these 'family gatherings' mean to Darryl and me as we live far away from our children and grandchildren. Sometimes we even have Sandy and Cindy Marie join us.

Our January 21st Family Home Evening was hosted by Cali, Alan, Gideon and Parker. The assignment was to present a Book of Mormon Story in 5 minutes. It was fabulous and hilarious as each family had a very unique idea of how to do this.

Hillary and Jake's family presented a silent movie of Nephi getting the brass plates and slaying Laban. Even Rocky the pug had a part. Cody's family made an intricate cardboard diorama created by Rachel of the Tree of Life. Cami's family acted out the story of Abinadi with Lily as Wicked King Noah and Marshall and Izzy were his Jaguars. Cali's family did a modern adaption of the Conversion of the "social media" influencer Alma the Younger. Skye's family did a great re-telling of Teancum and the demise of Morianton (played by Skye) who beat up her maid (Avery, whose injury make-up was wonderfully applied by Annabelle). Jesse and Kelly couldn't be there, so Jonas and Eve, who were in Utah, with Emily narrating from Idaho, gave us an action packed pantomime of Samuel the Lamanite.  

And Finally, Darryl and I, with the help of our friend Lalo, playing the lead part of Ammon, did a slide show presentation.  And now, for your fractured Book of Mormon story enjoyment, we present:


Eudaldo Chavez as Ammon

The King's herd of Sheep Ammon was sent to watch over.

Darryl as King Lamoni - who didn't take disappointment well.

The King and Queen of the land.

Did you see what I did to those guys arms with the strength of the Lord that was in me?

No Mr. King sir, I am not the Great Spirit, but here, let me teach you about Him.


Overcome with the spirit the King fell to the ground as if dead.

Still out..

What's going on? Can I trust that Ammon guy?

Who said my husband was beginning to smell?!

My servants say I should bury him ....

They say he stinks, but he doesn't smell to me.

No, no... Trust me. He'll be up soon.

He's alive!!! And full of the Spirit of the Lord!

Giving Praise and thanks to the Lord!

And he taught the people about their God.

The End.

We take it for granted, but when you think about it, to be able to see and talk to each other instantaneously across 6 states, 3 countries and 2 continents is truly a miracle, and I do thank my God for it! 

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