Thursday, December 30, 2021

Idaho Fun in September


Back in the days before the Covid-19 pandemic, Jesse and Kelly were invited to go on an African Hunting Safari which their good friends won in 2019 to be taken in the fall of 2020. Of course, with last year's Covid restrictions the trip was postponed until this September. I was happy to go to Idaho and take care of Tyree and Clancy while they were gone. 

September 11, Dubois, Idaho

Tyree competes in Barrels and Pole Bending in her first Rodeo.

In the meantime, Clancy and his cousin play Roblox in the dirt.

It was so good to see life going on as normal when they did the parade of Rodeo Queens and a Salute and remembrance of 9/11 at the beginning of the Rodeo.

Tyree out warming up.

Her Aunt Samantha is riding next to her in the photo below.

I was wondering if the bumper stickers are holding this car together.. haha!

Tyree did such a great job and I am so happy for her.

On the way home I drove up the Menan Butte to our old home and neighborhood. It was nice to reminisce of life on the butte.

And since it was September 11th, I took time to ponder the horrific tragedy and loss of life and a way of life that we had that day in 2001.

I loved being able to play with Tyree's beautiful, long hair. She had me braid it one night and was excited to wear her wavy hair to school the next day.

It was such a joy to stay with these two kiddos. Tyree is up and going early in the morning, but it does take Clancy a little while longer to get up and going.

And finally, as the hyperbole from the federal government keeps getting worse and worse, the great Thomas Sowell expresses the frustration of most people perfectly, when speaking of the Covid blunders and reversals made by Dr. Fauci and the governors of some states.

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