Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Big African Hunt

 September 10 - 23, 2021

I mentioned in my first September blog that Jesse and Kelly were going on a hunting Safari to South Africa. They had a wonderful time and were able to bag several beautiful animals. These animals were all raised on game reserves and all the meat is processed locally and stays in the local economy. The Hides and heads were sent to Idaho on a boat.


Kelly got the first kill with this huge Wildebeest. You can see their hunting guide in the corner taking toe photo from a prone position to get the best angle for the picture.

Then Jesse shot this Gemsbok.

Kelly also shot this Kudu,

Their friend Kenny Shot a Zebra..

Jesse and her Impala..

and this is Kelly's Impala.

And here is Kelly with his Blesbuck - 

Jesse's got this beautiful Sable at the end of the hunt.

The last antelope she shot was this little Steenbok. 

It was a very successful Safari!

The flights to and from South Africa took two days, so they were pretty tired when they got in on the 23rd.  We didn't have much time to visit as I left the next morning for Utah for a couple days and then home to my dear Darryl and Mississippi.

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