Sunday, February 13, 2022

Some January Art and Thoughts.....

 Just a few things I want you to know about January 2022...

I really, really like pallet knife painting. This was my third try at a pallet knife creation. I find this style of painting to be fun and I feel quite happy and free as I paint.

... I still had a little work to do on him at this point, but her is finished and I can now introduce you to...

                                                                        Perry the Pelican.                                                                            (He is so named because I was watching the old Perry Mason TV show while I was painting)

I also am finding my watercolor skills to be improving. Here are my Birds of Paradise I was commissioned to paint as a birthday gift.

I was at an auto repair shop when I saw this painting and it gave me an idea for a painting of my own. No, It's not what you are thinking.

It took a lot of taping off sections to get what I had in my head down on the canvas,..

..but eventually it slowly started to come together.

It's getting there, but there's still some work to do before I am finished.

Can I just say that I love my children! Each and everyone of them makes me so proud to be their Momma!
And I cried tears of joy when my beautiful and extremely intelligent daughter #5, Skye Lynn called to let us know she has been accepted into Law School.

Supermom and now Law Student! We love you Skye Lynn!

Primary is always an adventure, and Sister Journey Lass and Sister Martha Sego make it fun for everyone! Journey had us each make new "Glasses" to help us see clearly as we follow the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hello Keagan, Journey and Martha! What would I ever do without you?

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