Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Just a few thoughts

 September 1, 2021

The discontent in our country is growing as President Biden and his advisors made some huge blunders when they pulled our troops out of Afghanistan. They pulled the military out and left thousands of American Citizens and green card holders behind. Parents who had helped the USA Military handed their small children and babies to soldiers because they knew their lives were in danger. Many people were killed by the Taliban Regime, and some fell to their deaths as they tried to escape clinging to airplanes as they left the country because they knew they would be killed as the Taliban terrorist regime was left in charge. 

On the domestic front, inflation is getting out of control as the price of everything is going up. Gas is over $3.00 a gal in most places, groceries are more expensive and the Biden Administration keeps telling us everything is wonderful and better as before. And we still have Covid restrictions and mandates in place.

In reality, the reason so many people hated Trump was because he could be rude to people sometimes, but they ignore all the damage this current administration is doing to this great nation. We've traded a man who makes mean tweets and derogatory remarks, but ran the country well for a senile, incompetent man who is more corrupt than most people realize and is so inept that no one outside of the media can find anything nice to say about the job he's done.

I was cleaning out my desk and I found this card that Adam made for me a few years ago. 

It says (spelling included): Dear Grandpa and Grandma, 
Happy Grandparents Day. You are the most amazing grandparents ever! My favorite this about you is you exploar other playses, and I love it when we Skype sometimes. I hope you have a awesome day! 
Love, Adam Guffey

I got another perm and it really damaged my hair. I'm not sure how I am going to fix this one. 

I have been watching the old 1970s-1980s TV show "The Love Boat" and in the opening credits of Season 7, I was surprised when I saw the apartments we lived in when we were in Manzanillo, Mexico, behind the actress who played Vicky. It just made me happy. In the photo below, on the left is the Las Hadas resort and the buildings on the right are our apartments. 

I moved from birds to flowers in art class. This is my first time to try and paint glass and I think it's okay....

... but this is a floral watercolor that I am pretty proud of. 

And finally, another thought before we move on to the next post. 

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