Monday, July 11, 2022

Home Fun and The Circus and Carnival Museum

 Friday June 17, 2022

They day after Hillary and the boys arrived we started swimming lessons. Two times a day we went to the pool. Every morning they learned a new skill and practiced them. Every afternoon we practiced our skills and then they played for an hour or so.

They went from being afraid of getting the water in their faces, to diving for toys on the bottom and swimming the length of the pool without floaties.

We even had time to do some watercolor paintings.

They did a wonderful job on their butterfly paintings.

On Saturday Grandpa took us to the Circus and Carnival Museum. It seems that Gibsonton, Florida has a history as a town where retired circus and carnival performers go to retire. This was an amazing museum with some crazy and fun exhibits. here the boys stand beside a life-size mannequin of the Viking Giant, Johann Petursson. He was 8 ft. 8 inches tall. 

The boys are taking tickets for the fun house!

They had clothes that had been worn by Buffalo Bill Cody,

Annie Oakley memorabilia

Lash LaRou's clothes photos and clothing,

and some of Pawnee Bill's stuff too!

The boys loved the circus train office car. And I thought my apartment was cramped! 

There was so very much to see. Look at this hand carved Carousel animal..

You can see the operating Ferris Wheel in the back ground. So much history in these exhibits.

And about 60 ft. of tables covered with hand carved miniatures of the Circus life. All carved, painted and assembled by one man over many, many years. 

After the Circus Museum Grandpa Darryl took us Miniature Golfing. He won.... of course.

Hamburgers and Ice Cream finished off this fun day!

Sunday June 19, 2022

Of course he got a new neck tie for Father's day, along with 2 cool 'scratch off' maps to track where you've been in the USA and the world.  What a neat gift!

Some more swimming lessons. 

No fear here anymore!

I am so proud of my swimmers. Can't wait to take them to the family reunion to play at the lake!

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