Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Meeting Little Alma and More!

 The Tornado, The Baby and a Surprise Visit.

On May 26, 2024 there were several tornadoes that ripped through Rogers, Arkansas, one going right over the top of the house Cody and Alisa live in. They spent a couple of days without power and lost roof shingles and all the trees in the backyard were shredded.  

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Cody was still immersed in the NWA Firefighters Academy 12 week course, so he and the other trainees were called out in the middle of the night to active duty to take calls with the fire department to rescue those in need and clear trees, debris, etc. He spent several days working with them, attending the academy classes during the day and then on his own time clearing fallen trees for neighbors, friends and strangers. 


What a surprise when his class loaded up in the trucks one day to go out and do clean up (as was usual in the week following the Tornado), and they pulled up at Cody and Alisa's to help clean up the massive amount of debris in their yard. 

June 1, 2024

Cody and Alisa were overwhelmed with gratitude. This was such a blessing for them.

With all this going on, Darryl and I felt I should go to Arkansas to help out anyway I could, and to surprise Cody for his Academy Graduation at the end of the week.

June 4, 2024

I flew to Dallas and drove to Arkansas to surprise Cody on June 4th. When I went to check in, I was informed that they didn't have space on this flight for my larger carry-on and I would have to check it. I didn't think anything of it until I got through immigration.

I was chilly and wanted my sweater, so I didn't recheck my bag. When I opened it up it was in shambles and I thought, "Wow, I didn't think the ride was that rough," and then I noticed that my jewelry boxes were opened, my pouch was unzipped and there was trash in the bag.

Someone in Cartagena had opened my bag and stolen my Emerald and silver jewelry that Darryl had bought me for my birthday and a silver Mother/Daughter necklace Hillary gave me 15 yrs ago. I was so upset!

*- I notified Delta airlines the next day and in less than 2 weeks I had a check for the full amount of what was lost. Thank you Delta!

June 5, 2024

It was just over a 4 hour drive to Rogers from DFW, but even with renting a car and paying for gas, it saved me over $300.00 and, it was a lovely drive. (I did have to spend the night in the airport, but it wasn't that bad.)

And.. look what was waiting for me when I got to Cody and Alisa's!!!! 

Sweet baby Alma Elizabeth!

And the kids working very, very hard to clean up the house for Grandma!

And when they were done, they were rewarded with a little TV time. Sam, Liam and Ross sure liked this show.

I was so proud of Alisa! She knew for a week that I was coming to visit and she kept it a secret from Cody and the kids. When he got home from Academy that afternoon he was totally surprised!

Ahhhh... This is what I miss... Hugs from my kids!

June 6, 2024
We had 2 surprised today. First, Grandma passed out a few Colombian souvenirs to the kids...

They really seemed to enjoy them!

And the second surprise.....
Sandy came to surprise him for his graduation from the Academy!!

And.... Aunt Sandy was so happy to meet her great-niece, little Alma.

June 7th 
Graduation Day
While Cody was finishing up classes, Sandy, Alsia and I started moving the last of the debris and branches to the curb, then mowed the lawn and Cody showed up just in time to finish the pile.

And now... It's time to get ready for the graduation!

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