Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Beautiful July in Cartagena and Happy Anniversary

 Walk With Me

I try to walk early in the mornings 3 or 4 times a week. I have shown you other photos of the park where I walk, but I thought I'd share a few more since we are in the rainy season.

On the Crespo Beach around 5:45 A.M. standing by the Caribbean Sea looking back toward our apartment. 

Several minutes later looking towards Boca Grande.

And the clouds out over the sea.

This lovely flower growing along the walking path is a Beach Spider Lily. 

Saturday July 6, 2024
Barrenquilla, Colombia Temple

We had another lovely day serving in the Temple. And, we found a great place to eat lunch when we finished.

Another wonderful painting day with the sister missionaries, and a farewell lunch for Sister Alvarez who was transferred the next day.

Oh my sweet Wesley! Jason texted this photo from the family gathering at Aunt Cami and Uncle Jacob's house.

Saturday July 13, 2024
Lalo's family arrived and we met them at their new apartment. They have a great view too!

Saturday July 13th was also the night before our 48th Wedding Anniversary, and to celebrate we went out to dinner with our friend Jennie Manning and her husband, Jose'.

And Darryl gifted me this beautiful emerald Ring, made by Jennie. 

Sunday July 14th
I just love Sister Dunia Maria Ulloque

She is always the first one to greet me at church with a smile and a compliment and a kiss on the cheek. I sure love her.


When Darryl and I got home we tried to get some good Anniversary photos, which was a chore with the wind blowing my hair and my face and my skirt up.

Our Happy Anniversary Soiree.
To celebrate our 48 years together, we invited a couple of friends to share in the day with us.

Myriam Glennie, our sweet friend from the 11th floor, Lalo and Cintia and their lovely children, Ximina, Eduardo and Gabriel, and our new friend from church, Sebastian Serrano.

Darryl and Sebastian enjoying the carrot cake and brownies.

Lalo, Cintia enjoyed meeting and visiting with Myriam.

Yes, I was there too. 

48 years full of love, family, friends, travel, trials, heartache, joy, service and adventure! 

Oh what a blessed marriage we have and I thank God everyday for Darryl and this amazing life we live.

Here's to an eternity together!

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