Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Post Surgery Update and My Cartagena Homecoming

 Wednesday March 13, 2024

I had my surgery on the morning of March 12th and Jesse brought me home that afternoon. The next few days were spent resting and recuperating.

Aww.. and Jesse bought me flowers! 

This poem, written by Tyree, has a place of honor on their refrigerator. I love the descriptions and I think she has a talent for poetry.

☘️Sunday March 17th ☘️
Still rather chilly so I purchased something green for St. Patricks Day earlier on Friday the 15th when I was cleared to drive.

Sunday March 17, 2024
After church Tyree had a church assignment to attend a Family History program Tutorial. Jesse and Kelly had a rodeo meeting so I took her and learned a few things and had a chance to look up some family data.

This is an internet article about the train accident that killed my Great-great-grandfather, John Loughmiller. We were always told about the accident and that he was struck by a train at the Perth crossing in Clay County, and the date of his death, Sept. 20, 1909. I'm not sure why the article doesn't list his name or why I can't find any articles that list his name, only a description of the accident.

That evening Emily came over with her boyfriend Caleb Johnson and her cousin Caitlin Smith. We listened to Clancy and Tyree play the piano and Violin and then Caleb played for us.

I wish you could hear Caleb play, he is an incredible musician!

We were all pretty mesmerized by his impromptu concert.

Monday May 18, 2024
It is Rodeo season coming up and since Jesse and Kelly had one of the only dry arenas in the area, all of their Blackfoot friends would come over to ride and exercise their horses.

Tyree is quite the young cowgirl!

Friday March 22, 2024
Kelly invited their friends over to help celebrate Jesse's 41st Birthday. Tyree picked out the cake and did most of the fondant decorating with her bestie Jocelyn. It's so Jesse!

Jonas and Eve drove up that evening to be here for Jesse's Birthday too. It was so good to spend time with them.

Sunday March 24, 2024
Happy Birthday Jesse Kay!
In Sacrament meeting, one of the speakers read this poem. It's so true and something we need to remember and emphasized today~

Monday Morning - yes it's Idaho, of course it still snows at the end of March.

Thursday March 28th - Flying back to Cartagena!

Flying over the port you can see Darryl's dome!

I came home to a beautiful bouquet of flowers and an absolutely scrumptious carrot cake.

Wherever Darryl is, that is my home! There's no place like home.

Friday Night Date Night
Restaurante La Olla Cartagena

Great ambiance and wait staff..

And the best restaurant steak I have had since leaving Santiago, Chile.

My little Easter diorama.

On Saturday the 30th we went to the temple in Baranquilla. On the way home we stopped to try and find an a basket to make into an Easter Basket. Instead we found these small, taxidermy disturbing animals.

And a small basket.

🐣 πŸ§Ί πŸ£

Our sweet sister missionaries and their Easter Baskets!
Hermana Mantilla and Hermana Abish Alverez.

Happy Easter Everyone!
See you in April.

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