Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Walled City and the Castle de San Phillipe'

 Thursday February 15, 2024

Last evening we walked around the walled city and experienced the night life. Today we're going to take in the culture in the bright light of day, starting at the city gate clock tower.

Then on to the Cathedral de Santa Catalina de Alejandria, which was built between 1577 and 1612. The English Privateer Francis Drake attacked it in 1586. They have a statue of Pope John Paul II here commemorating his visit and address in Cartagena.   It is a beautiful and amazing place of worship.

Off to the west wall where we posed with the Women in Palenque costumes...

Posed in an embrasure, one of many in the walls,

And could see the restaurant where we had dinner the night before. 

The walled city of Cartagena is a beautiful, colorful and fun place to be!

And ate lunch at the beautiful La Serrezuela Mall. Originally built in 1893 and used as a theater and bullfighting stadium, it now boasts many high end shops and great places to eat.

Today we listened to great bossa nova music by a live band.

Looking towards "La Popa" or The convent as the locals call it, you can see the normal 2:00 pm traffic in this area. It's crazy!

I don't know if it was something we ate, or the water, but Thursday night Michelle and I got very sick and couldn't leave the house. We stayed home all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which was sad for 2 reasons. 1. We were really, really sick and 2. Darryl took off work to spend the day showing our visitors the 'real' Cartagena, the street markets and more, and Michelle was too sick to go. But he took Sandy and Kevin to the Mercado de Bazurto, Castile de San Felipe (The Fortress) and other great places and they took her out to eat on Friday Evening and then spent Saturday together too. Sandy had to leave at 4:00 Sunday morning, and by Sunday evening Michelle and I were starting to feel better.

Monday February 19 Shelly and I felt well enough to venture and and went to Caribe Plaza mall for a little shopping. On Tuesday I took them to the fort so Michelle could see it before she left. I think she was impressed...

Also of note, on Wednesday February 21, 2024 Darryl and I finally had our appointment with the immigration office to get our residency cards applied for after a 6+month delay.

It was in a beautiful old building I hope they take time to restore someday.

We also took Michelle and Kevin back into Boca Grande where we did some souvenir shopping and had a delicious seafood lunch.

That evening after dinner we had dessert at Fruti Sandy in honor of our baby sister. We missed you Sandy!

Well, they mush leave in the morning at 4:00 a.m. and we will sure miss them.

Watching the KLM flight take off one last time before heading back to Indiana and colder weather.

I watched their plane take off just after 6:00 a.m. I miss you already!

Safe travels and hurry back!

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