Thursday, December 31, 2009
Christmas Morning in Mexico
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The SUU Humanitarian Project
base then put a temporary roof over these meager bathroom facilities. They still won't have running water so they will have to bucket flush, but it is better than what they had.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Eve With The Elders
The Video Uploaded!!! Yea!!!
Our lip Sync video finally loaded!!!
In the previous post you will find the second Lip Sync Video that we made. The first one was filmed at night and was much better visually (there was no glare) but at 122 MB it was too big to upload. This one was filmed at 9:00 a.m. yesterday and we used the web cam. But as Cami says.... What you see is what you get. We had to come into work to upload it. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Come To My House This Christmas!
We realized that we had a very limited selection of CD's to choose from here in Mexico. For Christmas we have The first Manheim Steamroller or the Forgotten Carols. The other U.S. Christmas CD is instrumantal only. Three weeks ago dad purchased a Mexican Christmas CD. There are traditional Christmas Carols in Spanish, and a couple of traditional Mexican Christmas song.
The one we have chosen is titled "Ven En Mi Casa Esta Navidad". "Come to my house this Christmas". The singer is listing all of the reasons to come to her house for the holiday. I am sure one of the reasons is "Because unless you are in Florida, it is warmer here than where you are.", or "We will eat Mexican food all day!" and maybe "Go barefoot all day and your feet won't get cold." What ever the translation..... Enjoy!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Nauvoo Fun In Mexico
I didn't know the Fifes until last week...
Darryl and Cindy Cunningham.
Blaine and Kirstin Hofeling with Catherine, Christiana, Matthew, Daniel, Caroline and Carissa.
Mindy, Max, Molly and Gabe Davis.
Boyd, Carol, Heather and Tyrell Fife
Jeremy Jensen (2009 Work Crew)