Sunday, January 17, 2021

Rush Limbaugh and the Unexpected Gift

 For many years now I have been a member of the Rush Limbaugh 24/7 website. I've always liked listening to Rush as he has been informative and entertaining as well as a voice of reason. He is always letting his listeners know what is going on in the world politically and calls it like he sees it. I haven't always agreed with him 100 % but probably 95% of the time. He has made some comments that I thought were unnecessary, but in reality, he has seldom been wrong. 

I started listening to Rush in the summer of 1991 and have been a fan since that first show. Rush has lung cancer and his diagnosis is not good. As a matter of fact, I don't think he was supposed to live to Thanksgiving, but he is a fighter and has surprised everyone with his resiliency, and I know he is being blessed by the Almighty with the health he needs to complete whatever his mission is here on Earth. In November I received and stock email (sent to every Rush 24/7 member) asking listeners to write in and share "what Rush has meant to you". I did so, staying up late into the night drafting a letter to "my friend", for I do consider him my friend even though we've never met. I sent the letter off and never gave it a second thought. 

Here is the letter I sent: 

Letter to Rush Limbaugh       November 16, 2020


Dear Rush,


     It was July of 1991 when I first met Rush. We had just moved to Indiana with our 7 young children, 6 girls and a baby boy, the oldest was 13 and our son was 11 months. We were temporarily housed in a small house trailer with no TV so I turned on the Radio and for the first time in my life I listened to a conservative talk show. This man was funny, entertaining and conservative. He had me laughing and pumping my fist in the air at times as I found someone whose political ideology was just like mine. We have been meeting together ever since.


     That first July day when I listened to you it was because I was bored and just needed some music or entertainment, anything to pass the time while I was folding laundry. I was so entertained that the time flew by. I couldn't wait to tell my husband about your show. He was in the construction business and could listen while at work. Every weekday after that you were on my radio. Sometimes my teenage daughters would roll their eyes at me when they got in the car and you were on, but I never changed the channel and soon they were listening to what you were teaching. Yes, I said teaching, for you are a great professor of conservatism and capitalism and all that is good in our nation.


    Over the last 29 years Rush, you have educated, enlightened and empowered me at the EIB Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. Not just me, but also my husband Darryl, who enjoyed your political analysis and humor, and whose introduction to 'The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show' was hearing Rush talk about a study where Dinosaurs farted themselves into extinction (Rush said 'Farded' to elude the censors), all 7 of my children, of whom the youngest three are truly "Rush Babies", and now my 9 oldest grandchildren (we have 28 grandchildren), who range from middle school to college are listening to you and growing wiser each day. They listen to 'The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show' or get the important facts from their parents who listen to you. In school they ask intelligent questions and share conservative values with their friends.


     My grandchildren love the Rush Revere books, especially my 9 yr. old granddaughter Reagan (Yes, she is named after "Renoldus Magnus" / Ronald Reagan). Reagan's mother, Skye, graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Politics. Her desire to go into law school and become a Constitutional Scholar and someday enter politics is in large part due to her time listening to and learning from you when she was a teenager. She took on her liberal Government and Civics teachers in High School and came out the winner, having other students coming to her for information and advice. My other children are not one whit behind her in their conservative education. My oldest works for the District Attorney of Maricopa County, Arizona. She too is pursuing a law degree and has been greatly influence by you. All of my children, from the full time Mother of 10 to the cosmetologists, Massage Therapist, Project Managers and General Contractors, owe you a great debt of thanks for what they have been taught by you. Whether they heard you on the radio or I expounded something you taught me to them, they are better people for it, and for that I cannot thank you enough.


     The last 18 years my husband has worked in Industrial Construction around the world and when we would travel to China, or Morocco or South America I would have you with me thanks to Rush 24/7. I was always able to talk to my adult children about current events because you kept me informed no matter where I was in the world.


     Rush, I know you are a big reason my children have never strayed from their conservative roots. When they heard you on the radio they learned to think for themselves and form their own opinions. They would get on the internet to look up statistics on Global Warming, or Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Terry Schaivo Case or to find out about Karl Rove or Rahm Emmanuel or any other topic you might have talked about on your show. They said they didn't want to be like the other "Young Skulls full of Mush", they wanted to know for themselves.


     I am proud to say that they kept their college professors on their toes and even persuaded one to look at things differently. They are now in their 30's and 40's, and have their own minds and political ideologies. 1 is a Libertarian, 2 belong to the Constitution Party, another is a registered Independent, and 3 are registered Republicans, but they are all conservatives and are raising their children with conservative values and ideals. Although 2 of them did not vote for Trump in 2016, all seven of them and their spouses did vote for Trump in this election. 


     My very conservative brother and sisters cannot say the same for their children and they have asked me what I did different. I listed these things as to why my children stayed true to conservatism: 1. Daily family scripture study and Prayer, 2. Listening to Rush Limbaugh        3. Asking them about what teachers said at school, and if it was controversial telling them what you would have to say about it. Especially when it came to Global Warming, Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton, The War on Terror, and Terry Schaivo and the MSM.


      I Believe God sent you here to this great nation to help save it, and you have done exactly what he sent you here to do. What a gift you have been to this nation. I can honestly say that I love you Rush. You are my brother in Christ and for 29 years I have considered you a most trusted friend. I pray for you and Kathrine and know you are in His hands. Thank you for helping me raise my children. Thank you for making us all better people. Thank you for always being a light that would shine the truth to the world. God bless you my friend. 


With Love and Kindest Regards,

Cindy Sue Cunningham


I can't tell you how surprised I was when a couple of weeks later I received a large box in the mail. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was or who sent it. I opened it up to find another large gift box. Still, no clue as to who it was from. To say I was in shock when I opened it would be an understatement! Inside was a personalized gift from "The Big Guy", Rush Limbaugh himself. 

A letter with my name on it (I'm sure others got the same letter, but still, it said "Dear Cindy"), a flag of the USA with a special Rush autographed tag sewn inside, a mug that says "Preserve America" on one side and his autograph on the other, a signed, framed photograph, notepad and more photos and cards. I was shocked and thrilled to the point of tears. If you read the letter you will know how much Rush has meant to me over the years, but for him to take notice of me a send me a gift? That is beyond anything I thought possible. WOW!!! I doubt I will ever get to meet this great man, but I am so thankful for that day in July nearly 30 years ago when, out of boredom, I turned on the radio and found Rush Limbaugh. God Bless Him!

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