Monday, October 11, 2021

The Girls are Back!!

 July 20, 2021

As mentioned earlier, Donna and Doug Lowry kept Skye and Ryan's girls while they moved to Utah, recovered from Covid-19 and waited for their apartment they rented in May to come available to move into. After 3 weeks at "Nonna's" house the girls came to stay with Grandma and Grandpa! 


Grandpa had pizza waiting for us when we got here and then we had a mini birthday party for Avery who had turned 3 years old a few days earlier!

In the days and weeks that followed, her Peppa Pig Playdough set was a favorite "Go to" toy to keep  her busy.

Our bedtime ritual: Tea time with Grandma!

I don't know how she could sleep that way, but she did. 

It was so very, very hot and humid outside that it was almost impossible to go out and play unless you went to the beach or pool, which we did as much as we could.

An entire ocean at her disposal and Annabelle decides to make a foot bath! Haha!

Burying the victims!

When Avery came up to me I couldn't figure out what she had on her face...

Ahhh... It's a seafoam mask. She's such a funny little kiddo!

I wonder if it's good for your skin!

We also visited the mall for Food Truck Thursday!

Good Morning Cutie Patootie!

Avery loved to help cook breakfast! She and Annabelle are good chef's helpers!

And since they visited grandma we had to do some watercolors!

Look at their beautiful butterflies!

Hey!! What are you doing with my camera?

Reagan, ever the naturalist, was thrilled when she caught a red slider turtle. Just about this moment I think it peed on Annabelle's hand.

I made a new dress, but getting a selfie of it became a game for Avery.

Sometimes she played so hard she just collapses. I had my bedroom door shut and when I opened it this is what I saw.

And this 'Thought for the Day' is for my children. Instead of saying 'Meat and Cheese Tray', they say Charcuterie. Now I know why. 

Just so you know... August will bring more fun and adventures!

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