Saturday, June 1, 2024

Not the Family Reunion Cruise

 Oh Ship! It's Another Family Trip!

In the spring of 2023 Cali asked if the family would like to go on a cruise for our family reunion. It was then decided that trying to have an Epic Family Reunion every other year was too much expense so, as a family we took a poll and changed our Reunions to every 4 years. the next one to be in the summer of 2026. But... some of the families still wanted to go on a cruise together, so Cali called "her people" and planned a cruise for anyone who wanted to go. She also planned it as a surprise 70th birthday cruise for her dad (because we would still be in Cartagena on his birthday and the family wouldn't be there to celebrate this milestone birthday).

Cali, Jesse, Skye, Hillary and their families were all able to make the cruise. Darryl and I went too and after quizzing Shiloh and Cami about what 2 grandchildren could go with us, we found that Adam and Maggie's school schedules would allow them to go on this adventure! Hillary's In-laws, Rod and Marion McKenna came too. It was a delightful, relaxing time and much needed vacation for us!

Thursday May 2, 2024 - Boarding our flight to North Carolina!

The Caribbean sea really is lovely!

Flying into Miami.

Yes, it's nearly 78° inside and the man is comfortable only with his jacket on. Caribbean life!

We arrived after midnight, Shiloh and Jason picked us up and dropped us off at Cami and Jacob's. Friday morning we packed the kids and our luggage in my little orange minivan and we were off for our Grand Adventure!

Saturday May 4, 2024
Everyone arrived in Tampa, Florida sometime by Friday the 3rd. Skye's Family stayed in the same hotel as we did, the other girls were over by the airport. By 11:30 in the morning we were ready to board the boat!

Waiting at the terminal (above) and finally getting on the ship! I think the Platt boys were impressed!

While I waited in the terminal for Darryl, Adam and Maggie boarded with Cali's Family.

Hillary and Jake happy to be with family and on a "Real" vacation!

Skye and Cali - Sisters getting hugs! It's been almost 2 years!

Alan and Cali, the family's most experienced cruisers, happy to be on another cruise with family.

Darryl was first to get to our cabin and called saying there must have been a mistake because the room was decorated for a 70th birthday but his birthday isn't until August.
Surprise Honey! This birthday cruise is for you!

The not quite Birthday Boy!

and oh... the cake!

And chocolate covered strawberries too!

Sailing away - Out of the Port of Tampa, a place we know well.

After about 30 minutes we get to Darryl's Dome at the cement terminal.

That's a good looking dome storage facility right there! 

Finally made it out into Tampa Bay

Dinner time in the dining room was the one time each day we were all together in the same place and could visit and talk about our day. We also thought it would do us all good to use our best manners! There were 24 of us all together, so we had two tables of 9 and one of 6.

Awww... there so cute!

The cousins waiting like proper ladies and gentlemen. Uncle Ryan with Annabelle, Ezra and Gabe.

Jethro and Reagan. Why are these kids getting so big?

Teens and Tweens at dinner.

An after dinner soak in the hot tub while waiting for the outdoor movie to start.

Some of us like to just stand at the rail up on deck and watch the sunset as we sail away on the open sea.

What a fabulous first day!
See you tomorrow.

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