Saturday, June 1, 2024

Introducing Alma Elizabeth!

 Monday April 29, 2024

The best thing that happened in April was this! 

The birth of our 13th Granddaughter, 30th Grandchild or 32nd including my foster Grandchildren.

Alma Elizabeth

10:30 p.m.

Like her siblings before her she was delivered at home.

And she is a little chunk, which is also a family trait.

Little Alma weighed in at 8 lbs. 11 oz. and is 21 inches long.

Daddy was just exhausted after all that hard work.

Momma and baby are doing just fine..

And boy oh boy... is this little girl loved!

I think Rachel is the most excited to finally have a sister!

Big brother Ross will be her fiercest protector.

Sammy is curious to know everything about his little sister,

And Liam just wants her to be his all the time!

Cody and Alisa's 5!


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