Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Cruise Ship's Formal Night

Sunday Evening, May 5, 2024
3:30 p.m.
The girls started showing up in Grandma's room to get their hair fixed for "Dress up" night. Miss Avery was the first to arrive and when I finished with her Grandpa snapped this cute photo of her looking out to sea.

Annabelle was next.

Parker has so much beautiful hair it's hard to put it up.
But we got it done!

Posing in her little formal. She was so cute!

Reagan was so pretty in her new dress and her curls.

Mary Alice (Maggie) has hair that does it's own thing and she is an expert at fixing it, so I didn't need to help her at all.

We did a beautiful off to the side hair-do for Tyree.

At one time we had all six girls and 5 of the boys in our cabin getting ready. Well, they were watching others get ready. Gideon came in to shave because his bathroom was busy and as the younger boys watched they thought he was soooo cool!

The man of the hour. The wait staff and Family sang Happy Birthday to Darryl in our little early 70th Birthday party for him.

During the ship's "Formal" or "Dress up" night they have photographers available to take portrait pictures. Some of these were taken before our meal, some during and some after.
Maggie, Darryl, Cindy and Adam

Maggie and Tyree

A very happy Adam

Parker, Alan, Cali and Gideon.

Gideon's dinner shirt (If I spill something on it no one will know).

Pretty Parker - She looks much too grown up.

Jesse Kay and Kelly.

Mr. Grin - Clancy.

Lovely Annabelle

Grandma and Miss Avery.

Hillary, Jake, Marian and Rod with Ezra, Gabriel and Jethro.

And Mr. Smiley - Jethro

The Girls all wanted to eat at the same table.

Skye, Ryan and Reagan

Jesse, Kelly, Cali, Alan, Rod and Marian at the "Grown-ups" Table.

Hillary, Jake Darryl and Ryan sat at the boys table.

Was it yummy Tyree?

Yep - Pretty darn good!

Avery tries the Escargot. She liked it!

Hello Everybody!

- Looking so good she's still stopping traffic.

Here we are! The 2024 Cruise Crew. All 24 of us.

After dinner we had a very fun evening at Karaoke! 
"Annabelle and the Cousins", Parker and Maggie, sang a Taylor Swift song.

Jethro entertained us with "Eye of the Tiger".

Hillary sang "Believe" by Cher. I wish I had a photo, but believe me when I say it was memorable! VERY, VERY Memorable!

One more song to go...

Tyree and Jesse finished off the evening for our family with their lovely rendition of "If I Die Young". 

Now we get ready for day 3 and more Caribbean Fun.

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